Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee - Tuesday 7 March 2023, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee
Tuesday, 7th March 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
M Radley
S Dunsmuir
Nurul Ali
S Dunsmuir
Hazel Cameron
S Dunsmuir
Emma Farquhar
S Dunsmuir
D Henrickson
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
Duncan Massey
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
Agenda item :
11 a) Expansion of the Property Level Protection Grant Scheme to include commercial properties - RES/23/058
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Agenda item :
1 a) There are no items of urgent business at this time
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Agenda item :
2 a) Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
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Agenda item :
4 a) There are no requests for deputation at this time
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Agenda item :
11 a) Expansion of the Property Level Protection Grant Scheme to include commercial properties - RES/23/058
Agenda item :
5 a) Minute of Previous Meeting of 10 January 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
11 a) Expansion of the Property Level Protection Grant Scheme to include commercial properties - RES/23/058
Agenda item :
9 a) Net Zero, Environment and Transport Performance Report - CUS/23/047
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Nurul Ali
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
Agenda item :
6 a) Committee Business Planner
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Nurul Ali
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
Agenda item :
7 a) Notice of Motion by Councillor Houghton - referred from Council meeting of 22 February 2023
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I Yuill
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
M Radley
I Yuill
Emma Farquhar
I Yuill
I Yuill
I Yuill
I Yuill
I Yuill
M Radley
I Yuill
I Yuill
I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
S Dunsmuir
S Dunsmuir
Hazel Cameron
S Dunsmuir
Emma Farquhar
S Dunsmuir
D Henrickson
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
Duncan Massey
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
Agenda item :
8 a) There are no referrals at this time
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Agenda item :
9 b) Cluster Risk Register - RES/23/059
Agenda item :
10 a) There are no items under this heading
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Agenda item :
12 a) Aberdeen Cross City Connections - Active Travel Scheme Development - COM/23/052
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Officer 4
I Yuill
I Yuill
I Yuill
Hazel Cameron
I Yuill
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Agenda item :
12 b) A93 Banchory to Aberdeen Multi-Modal Corridor Study - COM/23/010
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Hazel Cameron
Officer 4
I Yuill
Officer 4
Hazel Cameron
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Hazel Cameron
Hazel Cameron
I Yuill
Hazel Cameron
I Yuill
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Nurul Ali
I Yuill
D Henrickson
I Yuill
Officer 4
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
D Henrickson
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
Emma Farquhar
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
D Henrickson
I Yuill
I Yuill
Duncan Massey
I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
S Dunsmuir
M Radley
Nurul Ali
S Dunsmuir
Hazel Cameron
S Dunsmuir
Emma Farquhar
S Dunsmuir
D Henrickson
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
Duncan Massey
S Dunsmuir
I Yuill
Webcast Finished
- NZET minute 100123, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- Notice of Motion by Councillor Houghton, opens in new tab
- CUS_23047_Cover_final, opens in new tab
- CUS_23047_AppA_final, opens in new tab
- Cluster Risk Register Report - Net Zero Committee, opens in new tab
- Cluster Risk Register - Operations & Protective Services (5), opens in new tab
- AM - Ops & Protective Services, opens in new tab
- RES 23 058 -NZETC - Property Level Protection Report, opens in new tab
- Aberdeen Cross City Connections - Active Travel-Scheme Development - Final Committee Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Review of STAG Part 2 Appraisal Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Draft Outline Business Case, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Concept Designs, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Draft Programme Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- A93 Banchory to Aberdeen MMS_NZET_Cmmt report_FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1_A93 Banchory to Aberdeen City Multi-Modal Study_Executive Summary_v2, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2_A93 Banchory to Aberdeen City Multi-Modal Study_Final Report_v3, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3_A93 Multi-Modal Corridor Study_Appendices, opens in new tab