Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday 12 January 2023, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Planning Development Management Committee
Thursday, 12th January 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
A Alphonse
Kate Blake
Officer 2
M Boulton
Officer 2
Officer 2
J Cooke
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
Donna Clark
Officer 2
Lynn Thomson
Officer 2
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 2
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
1 a) Motion Against Officer Recommendation - Procedural Note
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Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest or connections
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A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
4 a) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 1 December 2022 - for approval
Agenda item :
5 a) Committee Planner
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Agenda item :
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M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
6 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the formation of a driveway to front and alterations to a boundary wall - 45 Stockethill Way Aberdeen
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Officer 10
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Officer 10
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
M Boulton
External 5
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
External 5
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
External 5
N Copland
External 5
Desmond Bouse
J Cooke
External 5
J Cooke
Desmond Bouse
Officer 8
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 8
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Kate Blake
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Officer 8
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Officer 8
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Officer 8
Officer 8
N Copland
Officer 8
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Officer 8
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Officer 8
Lynn Thomson
Officer 8
Officer 8
Lynn Thomson
Officer 8
Desmond Bouse
Officer 8
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 3
External 3
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
7 a) Planning Permission in Principle for the erection of nursery, including car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure - site west of Northcote Lodge Care Home, Craigton Road, Aberdeen
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External 5
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
External 5
M Boulton
External 5
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
External 5
N Copland
External 5
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
J Cooke
External 5
J Cooke
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Kate Blake
External 5
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
External 5
Desmond Bouse
Kate Blake
External 5
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
External 5
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
External 4
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
7 a) Planning Permission in Principle for the erection of nursery, including car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure - site west of Northcote Lodge Care Home, Craigton Road, Aberdeen
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Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
J Cooke
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
Kate Blake
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
A Alphonse
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
A Alphonse
Officer 2
Kate Blake
Officer 2
M Boulton
Officer 2
J Cooke
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
Donna Clark
Officer 2
Lynn Thomson
Officer 2
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
7 b) Detailed Planning Permission for the demolition of an existing commercial unit and erection of 9 residential apartments over 3 storeys with associated cycle storage and hard and soft landscaping works - 26 Hollybank Place Aberdeen
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Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
N Copland
N Copland
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
J Cooke
J Cooke
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 1
Desmond Bouse
External 1
Desmond Bouse
External 1
Lynn Thomson
External 1
Lynn Thomson
Desmond Bouse
External 1
M Boulton
External 1
Desmond Bouse
Daniel Lewis
External 1
Desmond Bouse
External 1
N Copland
External 1
N Copland
External 1
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
External 1
External 1
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
N Copland
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
M Boulton
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
7 b) Detailed Planning Permission for the demolition of an existing commercial unit and erection of 9 residential apartments over 3 storeys with associated cycle storage and hard and soft landscaping works - 26 Hollybank Place Aberdeen
Agenda item :
8 a) Thursday 9 February 2023 at 10am
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Webcast Finished
- Motions against Recommendations, opens in new tab
- PDMC minute 011222, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner PDMC, opens in new tab
- 221055DPP - 45 Stockethill Way Committee Report (1), opens in new tab
- 221328 - 395 king st bus depot final report, opens in new tab
- 220772-DPP W of Northcote Lodge PDMC Report, opens in new tab
- 211807DPP - 26 Hollybank Place (with conditions), opens in new tab