Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday 30 September 2021, 10:00am - Slides Tab - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Planning Development Management Committee
Thursday, 30th September 2021 at 10:00am
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Members please note that all letters of representation are now available to view online. Please click on the link within the relevant committee item.
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M Boulton
Officer 3
M Boulton
Officer 3
J Cooke
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
A MacKenzie
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
6 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of energy storage facility with associated works - site At Farburn Place, Dyce, Aberdeen
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M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
Officer 4
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Greig
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
6 b) Detailed Planning Permission for change of use to class 3 (food and drink) with outdoor seating area including alterations to a shop front; re-cladding; installation of doors, rooflights and roof repairs with associated works - Former Cults Railway Station, Station Road, Cults Aberdeen
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M Boulton
M Boulton
W Cormie
W Cormie
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
6 b) Detailed Planning Permission for change of use to class 3 (food and drink) with outdoor seating area including alterations to a shop front; re-cladding; installation of doors, rooflights and roof repairs with associated works - Former Cults Railway Station, Station Road, Cults Aberdeen
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M Boulton
Officer 3
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
W Cormie
Officer 3
M Greig
Officer 3
A MacKenzie
Officer 3
M Malik
Officer 3
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
6 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the redevelopment of an existing site, including change of use to class 3 (food and drink) with erection of 2 drive thru restaurants (sui generis) with associated infrastructure and car parking - Craigshaw House, Craigshaw Road, Aberdeen
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M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
Agenda item :
6 d) Approval of Matters Specified in Condition - Approval of matters specified in conditions: 1(phasing) 2(detailed design) 3(landscaping) 4(drainage) 5(archaeology) 6(contaminated land(i)) 8(safe routes to school) 9(residential travel pack) 15(noise) 16(dust) 17(species surveys) 18(water) 19(watercourses) 20(SUDS) 21(trees) 22(tree care) 23(carbon reduction and water efficiency) 25(sports pitch) 26(street design, parking) 27(CEMP)28(flood risk) of 191171/PPP in relation to the erection of 536 homes with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure - Land At East Of A92 Ellon Road At Cloverhill, Murcar, Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen
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M Boulton
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
Officer 4
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
J Cooke
J Cooke
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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M Boulton
Agenda item :
7 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of residential development comprising 35 flats/apartments over 3 and 4 storeys, including erection of ancillary structures and demolition of existing redundant building; formation of car parking area, landscaping works and alterations to site access - Forestgait, 22 King's Gate, Aberdeen
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M Boulton
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
M Boulton
Officer 4
M Boulton
N Copland
N Copland
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
Officer 4
M Boulton
J Cooke
J Cooke
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
M Boulton
N Copland
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
7 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of residential development comprising 35 flats/apartments over 3 and 4 storeys, including erection of ancillary structures and demolition of existing redundant building; formation of car parking area, landscaping works and alterations to site access - Forestgait, 22 King's Gate, Aberdeen
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M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
W Cormie
M Boulton
J Cooke
M Boulton
M Boulton
M Greig
M Boulton
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
W Cormie
Officer 3
M Greig
Officer 3
A MacKenzie
Officer 3
M Malik
Officer 3
M Boulton
Webcast Finished
- Motions against Recommendations, opens in new tab
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- PDMC minute 190821, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- Farburn Place PDMC Presentation, opens in new tab
- 210665 - Land at Farburn Place - Final, opens in new tab
- 210140 DPP - Former Cults Railway Station - presentation, opens in new tab
- 210140 DPP - Former Cults Railway Station Station Road - report, opens in new tab
- Craigshaw Road PDMC Presentation, opens in new tab
- Craigshaw Road - Committee Report - Final, opens in new tab
- 210884MSC - Cloverhill - presentation, opens in new tab
- 210884MSC - Cloverhill - report, opens in new tab
- 210592DPP - 22 Kings Gate, PDMC presentation, opens in new tab
- 210592DPP - Forestgait 22 Kings Gate, opens in new tab
- 210998 - Baads Farm, Anguston Road presentation, opens in new tab
- 210998 DPP - Baads Farm, Anguston Road, opens in new tab