Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee - Thursday 28 March 2024, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee
Thursday, 28th March 2024 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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M Radley
Officer 2
M Radley
Officer 2
D Henrickson
Officer 2
Derek Davidson
Officer 2
G Graham
Officer 2
A McLellan
Officer 2
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 2
Deena Tissera
Officer 2
M Radley
Agenda item :
1 There are no items of urgent business at this time.
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Agenda item :
2 Determination of Exempt Business
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Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Agenda item :
3 Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
4 Deputation Request for item 11.4 - Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Update
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Deputation 3
M Radley
Deputation 3
Deputation 3
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deputation 2
G Graham
Deputation 2
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
Deputation 2
M Radley
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
Deputation 2
M Radley
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
M Radley
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 2
M Radley
Officer 2
D Henrickson
Officer 2
Derek Davidson
Officer 2
G Graham
Officer 2
A McLellan
Officer 2
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 2
Simon Watson
Officer 2
M Radley
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
M Radley
Simon Watson
Deputation 2
M Radley
Simon Watson
Deputation 2
M Radley
Derek Davidson
Deputation 2
M Radley
Agenda item :
11 d) Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Update - RES/24/103
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Officer 6
M Radley
M Radley
Officer 6
Officer 5
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
G Graham
Officer 6
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
M Radley
Officer 7
Officer 7
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Derek Davidson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Derek Davidson
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Derek Davidson
M Radley
Derek Davidson
Officer 7
M Radley
Derek Davidson
M Radley
M Radley
M Radley
Agenda item :
11 d) Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Update - RES/24/103
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M Radley
Agenda item :
9 b) Police Scotland Performance Report - POL/24/104
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Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 2
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Deputation 1
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deputation 1
G Graham
M Radley
Deputation 1
G Graham
Deputation 1
Deputation 1
Deputation 1
G Graham
Deputation 1
G Graham
Deputation 1
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
Deputation 1
Deena Tissera
Deputation 2
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deena Tissera
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deena Tissera
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deena Tissera
Deputation 1
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 1
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deputation 2
Deena Tissera
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Andy MacDonald
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Deputation 1
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Deputation 1
M Radley
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
M Radley
Agenda item :
9 b) Police Scotland Performance Report - POL/24/104
Agenda item :
9 c) Police Scotland - Proportionate Response to Crime pilot - POL/24/105
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Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 2
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
D Henrickson
Deputation 2
D Henrickson
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
G Graham
Deputation 2
G Graham
Deputation 2
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 2
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deena Tissera
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
Deputation 2
M Radley
M Radley
D Henrickson
M Radley
G Graham
Deena Tissera
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
Officer 2
M Radley
Officer 2
D Henrickson
Officer 2
Derek Davidson
Officer 2
A McLellan
Officer 2
Deena Tissera
Officer 2
M Radley
Agenda item :
9 a) Scottish Fire and Rescue Local Fire and Rescue Plan Review 2023 - SFR/24/106
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M Radley
D Henrickson
M Radley
Agenda item :
5 Minute of the Previous Meeting of 23 January 2024
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Agenda item :
6 Committee Business Planner
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Agenda item :
8 There are no reports under this heading
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Agenda item :
10 a) Performance Report - COM/24/076
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Agenda item :
10 b) Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps - COM/24/087
Agenda item :
11 a) Resilience Annual Report 2023 - COM/24/063
Agenda item :
11 b) New Housing Capital Programme Delivery Projects Update - RES/24/096
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A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
G Graham
M Radley
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
D Henrickson
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
Agenda item :
11 c) Rent Assistance Fund 2024-25 - RES/24/100
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G Graham
M Radley
Andy MacDonald
M Radley
A McLellan
M Radley
Andy MacDonald
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Webcast Finished
- Deputation request, opens in new tab
- CHPPC minute 230124, opens in new tab
- CHPPC business planner, opens in new tab
- SFRS Local Fire and Rescue Plan Review 2023, opens in new tab
- SFRS appendix A, opens in new tab
- Police Scotland performance report, opens in new tab
- Police Scotland - appendix A, opens in new tab
- Police Scotland pilot scheme report, opens in new tab
- Police Scotland pilot appendix A, opens in new tab
- Performance report, opens in new tab
- Performance appendix A, opens in new tab
- Cluster report, opens in new tab
- Cluster Risks CHPPC Grouped, opens in new tab
- Cluster Customer, opens in new tab
- AM - Customer Experience, opens in new tab
- Cluster D & I, opens in new tab
- AM - Data & Insights, opens in new tab
- Cluster D & T, opens in new tab
- AM - Digital & Technology, opens in new tab
- Cluster EI&CE, opens in new tab
- AM - Early Intervention, opens in new tab
- Resillience report, opens in new tab
- Resilience appendix A, opens in new tab
- New Housing capital report, opens in new tab
- Rent Assistance Fund Covering Report, opens in new tab
- Rent Assistance Fund Covering Report appendix, opens in new tab
- Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix A RAAC Leaflet Private Owner Update, opens in new tab