Finance and Resources Committee - Wednesday 5 July 2023, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Finance and Resources Committee
Wednesday, 5th July 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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A McLellan
Officer 1
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 1
A McLellan
Officer 1
I Yuill
Officer 1
C Allard
Officer 1
J Cooke
Officer 1
Lee Fairfull
Officer 1
M Greig
Officer 1
Duncan Massey
Officer 1
M Hutchison
Officer 1
Officer 1
S Macdonald
M Malik
Officer 1
Simon Watson
M Radley
Officer 1
Simon Watson
Officer 1
A McLellan
Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Exempt Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Share this agenda point
I Yuill
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
Officer 1
A McLellan
J Cooke
A McLellan
M Greig
A McLellan
Lee Fairfull
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
Agenda item :
4 a) Petition - Installation of Physical Exercise Bars (Callisthenic Station) in Duthie Park
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
A McLellan
Agenda item :
4 a) Petition - Installation of Physical Exercise Bars (Callisthenic Station) in Duthie Park
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
M Greig
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
A McLellan
Agenda item :
4 a) Petition - Installation of Physical Exercise Bars (Callisthenic Station) in Duthie Park
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
Agenda item :
4 b) Deputation from Gavin Clark (Aberdeen Cycle Forum)
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Deputation 4
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
C Allard
Deputation 4
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Deputation 4
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Deputation 4
Simon Watson
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
S Macdonald
I Yuill
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
M Greig
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Deputation 4
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
I Yuill
Deputation 2
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 g) City Centre Six Monthly Update - Streetscape Programme - RES/23/209
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Deputation 2
A McLellan
I Yuill
Deputation 2
Deputation 3
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Deputation 3
A McLellan
Simon Watson
Deputation 3
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
J Cooke
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Deputation 2
A McLellan
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Malik
M Boulton
Officer 5
M Boulton
A McLellan
Officer 5
M Boulton
M Boulton
Officer 5
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Boulton
Officer 5
M Boulton
A McLellan
M Malik
Officer 5
M Malik
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Greig
Officer 5
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
Officer 5
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 5
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Officer 5
C Allard
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Officer 5
C Allard
Officer 5
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
Officer 2
A McLellan
M Boulton
A McLellan
Officer 5
M Boulton
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Boulton
A McLellan
Officer 10
A McLellan
M Boulton
Officer 5
M Boulton
A McLellan
M Boulton
Officer 5
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 5
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 g) City Centre Six Monthly Update - Streetscape Programme - RES/23/209
Agenda item :
9 g) City Centre Six Monthly Update - Streetscape Programme - RES/23/209
Agenda item :
9 g) City Centre Six Monthly Update - Streetscape Programme - RES/23/209
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
J Cooke
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Duncan Massey
A McLellan
M Greig
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 1
A McLellan
Officer 1
I Yuill
Officer 1
C Allard
Officer 1
J Cooke
Officer 1
Lee Fairfull
Officer 1
M Greig
Officer 1
Duncan Massey
Officer 1
M Hutchison
Officer 1
S Macdonald
Officer 1
M Malik
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
Officer 1
Simon Watson
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
Officer 1
M Malik
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 h) CraighIll and Kincorth Housing Delivery - RES/23/200
Agenda item :
9 h) CraighIll and Kincorth Housing Delivery - RES/23/200
Share this agenda point
Officer 7
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 h) CraighIll and Kincorth Housing Delivery - RES/23/200
Share this agenda point
M Malik
M Radley
M Malik
M Radley
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
M Radley
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
I Yuill
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 1
A McLellan
Officer 1
I Yuill
Officer 1
C Allard
Officer 1
J Cooke
Officer 1
Lee Fairfull
Officer 1
M Greig
Officer 1
Duncan Massey
Officer 1
M Hutchison
Officer 1
S Macdonald
Officer 1
M Malik
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
Officer 1
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Radley
Officer 7
M Radley
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
Officer 7
M Radley
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
Officer 7
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 7
A McLellan
M Malik
Agenda item :
9 h) CraighIll and Kincorth Housing Delivery - RES/23/200
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
C Allard
A McLellan
Agenda item :
5 a) Minute of Previous Meeting of 17 May 2023, for Approval
Share this agenda point
M Radley
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
M Radley
A McLellan
S Macdonald
Officer 6
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Agenda item :
6 a) Committee Planner
Share this agenda point
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 6
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Radley
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 1
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
M Malik
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 10
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 10
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 10
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 6
A McLellan
Officer 9
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Agenda item :
7 a) Notices of Motion
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Agenda item :
8 a) Referrals from Council, Committees and Sub Committees
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Agenda item :
9 a) Work Plan and Business Cases - COM/23/194
Share this agenda point
M Radley
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 a) Work Plan and Business Cases - COM/23/194
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 c) Denis Law Legacy Trail - COM/23/212
Share this agenda point
M Malik
S Macdonald
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 9
Jonathan Belford
Officer 9
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 9
S Macdonald
Officer 9
S Macdonald
Officer 9
S Macdonald
Officer 9
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 9
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 c) Denis Law Legacy Trail - COM/23/212
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 d) Union Street Empty Shops Grant Scheme - COM/23/192
Share this agenda point
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 10
A McLellan
M Malik
Officer 2
M Malik
Officer 8
M Malik
M Radley
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 8
A McLellan
M Hutchison
A McLellan
Officer 8
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 8
M Malik
Officer 8
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 8
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 8
S Macdonald
Officer 8
S Macdonald
Officer 8
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
S Macdonald
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 8
M Malik
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
M Malik
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 d) Union Street Empty Shops Grant Scheme - COM/23/192
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
Agenda item :
9 f) Funding External Bodies and Following the Public Pound Policy Update - RES/23/215
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Simon Watson
A McLellan
Officer 9
Simon Watson
Officer 9
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 9
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 9
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
A McLellan
Officer 9
M Malik
Officer 9
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Officer 8
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 9
S Macdonald
A McLellan
M Malik
M Malik
A McLellan
S Macdonald
Officer 10
A McLellan
Officer 10
Agenda item :
10 a) Cluster Risk Registers and Assurance Maps - COM/23/213
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- Cluster Risk Register Report F&R Committee
- Appendix A - Cluster Risk Register - Strategic Place Planning
- Appendix B - Cluster Risk Register - City Growth
- Appendix C - Cluster Risk Register - Finance
- Appendix D - Cluster Risk Register - Commercial & Procurement
- Appendix E - Cluster Risk Register - Capital
- Appendix F - Cluster Risk Register - Corporate Landlord
- Appendix G - Governance Assurance Map
- Appendix H - SPP Assurance Map
- Appendix I - City Growth Assurance Map
- Appendix J - Finance Assurance Map
- Appendix K - CPS Assurance Map
- Appendix L - Capital Assurance Map
- Appendix M - Corporate Landlord Assurance Map
- Appendix N - Cluster Risks F&R Grouped - RAS
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 10
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
Steve Whyte
A McLellan
Simon Watson
A McLellan
S Macdonald
Officer 6
S Macdonald
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Jonathan Belford
A McLellan
S Macdonald
Officer 8
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 8
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Agenda item :
10 b) Performance Management Framework Report – Commissioning and Resources - COM/23/190
Share this agenda point
M Radley
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Agenda item :
10 c) Commemorative Plaque to BBC on Belmont Street - COM/23/197
Agenda item :
11 a) Reconfiguration of Working Arrangements with Arm’s Length External Organisations (ALEOs) - COM/23/218
Share this agenda point
M Malik
Officer 10
M Malik
A McLellan
J Cooke
A McLellan
Officer 10
A McLellan
A McLellan
J Cooke
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Officer 10
S Macdonald
Officer 10
A McLellan
S Macdonald
A McLellan
Agenda item :
11 a) Reconfiguration of Working Arrangements with Arm’s Length External Organisations (ALEOs) - COM/23/218
Share this agenda point
A McLellan
Webcast Finished
- Procedure for agenda, opens in new tab
- Petition - Exercise Equipment at Duthie Park, opens in new tab
- Deputation, opens in new tab
- 170523 F&R Minute, opens in new tab
- F&R Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- WP & BC Report_Finance & Resources_050723, opens in new tab
- WP&BC Appendix 1_Final Revenue _Work Plans_PUBLIC_F&R_050723, opens in new tab
- WP&BC Appendix 3_4.1.3 Form Register (Technical Exemption)_PUBLIC_F&R_050723, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1_Final Revenue _Work Plans_PUBLIC_F&R_050723, opens in new tab
- UTG Gates for Birkhall 13062023 - Reports, opens in new tab
- UTG Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- DL Trail - COM.23.212 Committee Report DL Trail, opens in new tab
- DL Trail Appendix 1 - PRINTFIELD V3 (1), opens in new tab
- Union Street Empty Shops Grant Scheme, 5 July F&RC (1), opens in new tab
- Union Street Empty Shops Grant Scheme, 5 July F&RC (2) - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- LACER Committee Report July 2023, opens in new tab
- LACER Applications Summary - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- FTPP Committee Report Final 05.07.23, opens in new tab
- FTPP - Appenix_1_FtPP_Policy, opens in new tab
- City Centre Streetscape Update July - Report, opens in new tab
- Craighill and Kincorth New Housing Delivery Update FINAL, opens in new tab
- Cruyff Court Tillydrone Update FINAL, opens in new tab
- Cluster Risk Register Report F&R Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Cluster Risk Register - Strategic Place Planning, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Cluster Risk Register - City Growth, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Cluster Risk Register - Finance, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Cluster Risk Register - Commercial & Procurement, opens in new tab
- Appendix E - Cluster Risk Register - Capital, opens in new tab
- Appendix F - Cluster Risk Register - Corporate Landlord, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Governance Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - SPP Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix I - City Growth Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix J - Finance Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix K - CPS Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix L - Capital Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix M - Corporate Landlord Assurance Map, opens in new tab
- Appendix N - Cluster Risks F&R Grouped - RAS, opens in new tab
- COM.23.190 Performance Management Framework Report - Finance and Resources 5th July 2023, opens in new tab
- COM 23.190 Performance Management Framework Appendix A Finance & Resources, 5th July 2023, opens in new tab
- Plaque COM.23.197, opens in new tab
- Plaque COM.23.197-Appendices, opens in new tab
- Reconfiguration of working arrangements with ALEOs - final version, opens in new tab
- Place Based Investment Programme Committee Report, opens in new tab
- Place Based Investment Programme Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- UKSPF Report, opens in new tab
- UKSPF Appendix 1 - UKSPF (1), opens in new tab
- UKSPF Appendix 2 - UKSPF awarded to date, opens in new tab
- Invest Aberdeen Report, opens in new tab
- Tall Ships Travel 23-24 Paper, 5 July F&R, opens in new tab
- Development Plan Scheme - Report, opens in new tab
- Development Plan Scheme Appendix, opens in new tab