Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Planning Development Management Committee
Thursday, 29th June 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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C McRae
Officer 10
A Alphonse
C McRae
A Alphonse
Officer 10
Kate Blake
Officer 10
M Boulton
Officer 10
J Cooke
Officer 10
N Copland
Officer 10
Donna Clark
Officer 10
Emma Farquhar
Officer 10
G Lawrence
Officer 10
M Radley
Officer 10
Lynn Thomson
Officer 10
C McRae
Agenda item :
1 a) Motion Against Officer Recommendation - Procedural Note
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Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest or connections
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M Radley
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Officer 11
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Agenda item :
4 a) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 1 June 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
4 b) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) of 8 June 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
5 a) Committee Planner
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Agenda item :
6 a) Draft Energy Transition Zone Masterplan - Consultation - PLA/23/210
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C McRae
Officer 1
Officer 1
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 1
Kate Blake
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
Officer 9
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
Officer 1
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
C McRae
Officer 1
Lynn Thomson
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 1
M Boulton
Officer 9
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 9
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
M Radley
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 9
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 9
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
6 b) Aberdeen Planning Guidance: Outdoor Seating - PLA/23/217
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C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
M Boulton
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the Change of use from residential dwelling (class 9) to mixed use (class 3 and 4) including community cafe, with ancillary office accommodation and meeting hall; erection of single storey extension to form additional seating areas to cafe; formation of access ramp, external seating area and erection of bin store with associated hard and soft landscaping works - Wallace Tower, Tillydrone Road Aberdeen
Agenda item :
7 b) Listed Building Consent - Conversion of existing building to form community cafe with ancillary office accommodation and meeting hall; erection of single storey extension to form additional seating areas to cafe; internal alterations; formation of access ramp, external seating area and erection of bin store with associated hard and soft landscaping works - Wallace Tower, Tillydrone Road Aberdeen
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C McRae
A Alphonse
Officer 6
A Alphonse
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 6
Kate Blake
Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
External 4
A Alphonse
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
Officer 6
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
C McRae
External 4
M Radley
External 4
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 6
External 4
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
N Copland
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
External 4
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
External 4
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
External 4
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of supported living accommodation (Class 8 - residential Institutions), comprising eight residential units and ancillary staff office building, new vehicular access, car parking, infrastructure, open space and landscaping - former Stoneywood School site, Stoneywood Road Aberdeen
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Officer 5
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 5
M Boulton
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 5
N Copland
Officer 5
N Copland
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
C McRae
Officer 5
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of supported living accommodation (Class 8 - residential Institutions), comprising eight residential units and ancillary staff office building, new vehicular access, car parking, infrastructure, open space and landscaping - former Stoneywood School site, Stoneywood Road Aberdeen
Agenda item :
7 d) Detailed Planning Permission for the installation of floodlighting to the existing 3G pitch (part retrospective) - International School Of Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults
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Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 d) Detailed Planning Permission for the installation of floodlighting to the existing 3G pitch (part retrospective) - International School Of Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults
Agenda item :
7 e) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of detached dwellinghouse and associated works - 30 Woodend Place Aberdeen
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Officer 3
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Officer 8
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 8
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 8
C McRae
Officer 8
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 3
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 3
M Boulton
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
C McRae
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 3
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Boulton
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 10
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Agenda item :
7 e) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of detached dwellinghouse and associated works - 30 Woodend Place Aberdeen
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C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 10
C McRae
Officer 10
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
A Alphonse
Officer 10
Kate Blake
Officer 10
M Boulton
Officer 10
J Cooke
Officer 10
N Copland
Officer 10
Donna Clark
Officer 10
Emma Farquhar
Officer 10
G Lawrence
Officer 10
M Radley
Officer 10
Lynn Thomson
Officer 10
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 f) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of 2 storey side extension and single storey rear extension - 40 Woodstock Road Aberdeen
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Officer 1
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Kate Blake
Officer 1
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
N Copland
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 1
M Boulton
Officer 1
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 1
Officer 1
C McRae
External 4
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 g) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of timber glazed pavilion for an outdoor seating area retrospectively - 52 The Green Aberdeen
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Officer 5
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Officer 5
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
External 4
A Alphonse
External 4
C McRae
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
External 4
Officer 9
External 4
C McRae
M Boulton
External 4
Officer 9
C McRae
External 4
N Copland
External 4
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
Officer 5
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 5
M Radley
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 11