Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Planning Development Management Committee
Thursday, 29th June 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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C McRae
Officer 10
A Alphonse
C McRae
A Alphonse
Officer 10
Kate Blake
Officer 10
M Boulton
Officer 10
J Cooke
Officer 10
N Copland
Officer 10
Donna Clark
Officer 10
Emma Farquhar
Officer 10
G Lawrence
Officer 10
M Radley
Officer 10
Lynn Thomson
Officer 10
C McRae
Agenda item :
1 a) Motion Against Officer Recommendation - Procedural Note
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Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest or connections
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M Radley
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Officer 11
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Agenda item :
4 a) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 1 June 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
4 b) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee (Visits) of 8 June 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
5 a) Committee Planner
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Agenda item :
6 a) Draft Energy Transition Zone Masterplan - Consultation - PLA/23/210
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C McRae
Officer 1
Officer 1
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
Officer 1
M Radley
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 1
Kate Blake
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
Officer 9
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
Officer 1
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
C McRae
Officer 1
Lynn Thomson
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 1
M Boulton
Officer 9
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 9
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
M Radley
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 9
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 9
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
6 b) Aberdeen Planning Guidance: Outdoor Seating - PLA/23/217
Share this agenda point
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
M Boulton
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the Change of use from residential dwelling (class 9) to mixed use (class 3 and 4) including community cafe, with ancillary office accommodation and meeting hall; erection of single storey extension to form additional seating areas to cafe; formation of access ramp, external seating area and erection of bin store with associated hard and soft landscaping works - Wallace Tower, Tillydrone Road Aberdeen
Agenda item :
7 b) Listed Building Consent - Conversion of existing building to form community cafe with ancillary office accommodation and meeting hall; erection of single storey extension to form additional seating areas to cafe; internal alterations; formation of access ramp, external seating area and erection of bin store with associated hard and soft landscaping works - Wallace Tower, Tillydrone Road Aberdeen
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C McRae
A Alphonse
Officer 6
A Alphonse
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 6
Kate Blake
Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
External 4
A Alphonse
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
Officer 6
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
C McRae
External 4
M Radley
External 4
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 6
External 4
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
N Copland
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
External 4
C McRae
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
External 4
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
C McRae
Kate Blake
External 4
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of supported living accommodation (Class 8 - residential Institutions), comprising eight residential units and ancillary staff office building, new vehicular access, car parking, infrastructure, open space and landscaping - former Stoneywood School site, Stoneywood Road Aberdeen
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Officer 5
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 5
M Boulton
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 5
N Copland
Officer 5
N Copland
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 5
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Radley
Officer 5
M Radley
Officer 5
C McRae
Officer 5
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of supported living accommodation (Class 8 - residential Institutions), comprising eight residential units and ancillary staff office building, new vehicular access, car parking, infrastructure, open space and landscaping - former Stoneywood School site, Stoneywood Road Aberdeen
Agenda item :
7 d) Detailed Planning Permission for the installation of floodlighting to the existing 3G pitch (part retrospective) - International School Of Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults
Share this agenda point
Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
Officer 6
N Copland
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 d) Detailed Planning Permission for the installation of floodlighting to the existing 3G pitch (part retrospective) - International School Of Aberdeen, North Deeside Road, Cults
Agenda item :
7 e) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of detached dwellinghouse and associated works - 30 Woodend Place Aberdeen
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Officer 3
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Officer 8
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 8
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 8
C McRae
Officer 8
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 3
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 3
M Boulton
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
J Cooke
Officer 3
C McRae
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 3
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 3
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 9
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Boulton
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
M Boulton
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 10
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Agenda item :
7 e) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of detached dwellinghouse and associated works - 30 Woodend Place Aberdeen
Share this agenda point
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
M Boulton
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 10
C McRae
Officer 10
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
A Alphonse
Officer 10
Kate Blake
Officer 10
M Boulton
Officer 10
J Cooke
Officer 10
N Copland
Officer 10
Donna Clark
Officer 10
Emma Farquhar
Officer 10
G Lawrence
Officer 10
M Radley
Officer 10
Lynn Thomson
Officer 10
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 f) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of 2 storey side extension and single storey rear extension - 40 Woodstock Road Aberdeen
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Officer 1
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
J Cooke
C McRae
Kate Blake
Officer 1
C McRae
N Copland
Officer 1
C McRae
Officer 1
N Copland
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 1
M Boulton
Officer 1
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 1
Officer 1
C McRae
External 4
Officer 1
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 g) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of timber glazed pavilion for an outdoor seating area retrospectively - 52 The Green Aberdeen
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Officer 5
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Officer 5
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
J Cooke
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
External 4
A Alphonse
External 4
C McRae
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
M Boulton
External 4
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
External 4
Officer 9
External 4
C McRae
M Boulton
External 4
Officer 9
C McRae
External 4
N Copland
External 4
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
Officer 5
External 4
C McRae
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 5
M Radley
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
M Boulton
C McRae
Officer 11
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 g) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of timber glazed pavilion for an outdoor seating area retrospectively - 52 The Green Aberdeen
Agenda item :
7 h) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of a hydrogen production and vehicle re-fuelling facility, solar farm and underground solar grid connection (Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub) - Hareness Road And Ness Former Landfill Site, Coast Road, Aberdeen
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Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
M Radley
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Kate Blake
C McRae
Kate Blake
Officer 7
Kate Blake
Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Kate Blake
Officer 7
Kate Blake
Officer 7
C McRae
N Copland
C McRae
Officer 7
C McRae
Officer 7
N Copland
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 7
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
Officer 7
C McRae
C McRae
Lynn Thomson
C McRae
Agenda item :
7 h) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of a hydrogen production and vehicle re-fuelling facility, solar farm and underground solar grid connection (Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub) - Hareness Road And Ness Former Landfill Site, Coast Road, Aberdeen
Agenda item :
8 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the change of use from amenity land to temporary outdoor seating area for public house including erection of marquee with bar, adjacent storage container, and associated al fresco areas - land opposite 10 Queen's Terrace Aberdeen
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Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
J Cooke
Officer 6
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 6
C McRae
J Cooke
Officer 6
J Cooke
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
M Boulton
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
Officer 6
M Boulton
C McRae
M Boulton
Officer 6
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Officer 6
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
N Copland
Officer 6
C McRae
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
M Radley
Officer 6
C McRae
Kate Blake
Officer 9
C McRae
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
C McRae
Officer 6
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 6
C McRae
Councillor Mrs Stewart
C McRae
A Alphonse
C McRae
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
C McRae
External 4
External 4
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
External 1
C McRae
External 1
C McRae
External 1
C McRae
External 1
C McRae
C McRae
C McRae
Agenda item :
8 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the change of use from amenity land to temporary outdoor seating area for public house including erection of marquee with bar, adjacent storage container, and associated al fresco areas - land opposite 10 Queen's Terrace Aberdeen
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C McRae
Webcast Finished
- Motions against Recommendations, opens in new tab
- PDMC minute 010623, opens in new tab
- PDMC visits minute 080623, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner PDMC, opens in new tab
- Draft ETZ Masterplan Committee Report PLA.23.210 June 2023, opens in new tab
- ETZ_Draft_Masterplan_April_2023_V8.2_update, opens in new tab
- Committee Report June 2023 FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Summary of Comments recieved and Officer Response, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 APG Outdoor Seating June 2023 FINAL, opens in new tab
- 221380DPP_Wallace Tower final, opens in new tab
- 221379LBC_Wallace Tower lbc report final, opens in new tab
- 230428-DPP - Former Stoneywood Primary School Site, opens in new tab
- 230405DPP_ISA final, opens in new tab
- 230601 - 30 Woodend Pl - revised PDMC report_ (002), opens in new tab
- 230398_DPP_40 Woodstock Road_CommitteeReport, opens in new tab
- 230437-DPP - 52 The Green, opens in new tab
- 230299_Report_-_Hareness Road, opens in new tab
- 230407DPP - Land Opposite 10 Queen's Terrace (Comm), opens in new tab