Planning Development Management Committee - Thursday 20 April 2023, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Planning Development Management Committee
Thursday, 20th April 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Officer 9
Desmond Bouse
Officer 9
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 9
G Lawrence
Officer 9
J Cooke
Officer 9
N Copland
Officer 9
Donna Clark
Officer 9
B Crockett
Officer 9
Emma Farquhar
Officer 9
C McRae
Officer 9
Lynn Thomson
Officer 9
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
1 a) Motion Against Officer Recommendation - Procedural Note
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Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest or connections
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J Cooke
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
4 a) Minute of Meeting of the Planning Development Management Committee of 9 March 2023 - for approval
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Agenda item :
5 a) Committee Planner
Agenda item :
6 a) Detailed Planning Permission for the change of use from class 2 (financial, professional and other services) to class 3 (food and drink); change of use from pavement to outdoor seating area with associated enclosure and installation of canopy and kitchen extract flue - 495- 499 Great Western Road Aberdeen
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Officer 3
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Officer 3
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 3
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
6 b) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of domestic detached garage at 108A North Deeside Road Aberdeen
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N Copland
Desmond Bouse
External 3
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
J Cooke
Officer 2
J Cooke
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Officer 2
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
N Copland
Officer 2
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
N Copland
Officer 2
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Daniel Lewis
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Daniel Lewis
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
6 c) Detailed Planning Permission for the erection of temporary hot food unit (retrospective) - land adjacent to Westburn House, Westburn Park, Westburn Road, Aberdeen
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Officer 3
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Kairin van Sweeden
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
6 d) Detailed Planning Permission for the installation of CCTV camera (retrospective) - 91 Ashley Road Aberdeen
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External 4
Desmond Bouse
Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
Officer 4
N Copland
Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
J Cooke
Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
Officer 4
Daniel Lewis
Desmond Bouse
Lynn Thomson
Daniel Lewis
Lynn Thomson
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
External 4
Officer 10
External 4
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
External 4
N Copland
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
Emma Farquhar
External 4
Desmond Bouse
External 4
External 3
Desmond Bouse
External 3
Desmond Bouse
External 3
Desmond Bouse
External 3
Desmond Bouse
External 3
N Copland
Daniel Lewis
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Daniel Lewis
Desmond Bouse
Lynn Thomson
Daniel Lewis
Lynn Thomson
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
6 e) Conservation Area Consent for the complete demolition of fence at 34 Don Street Aberdeen
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Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
Officer 4
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Officer 4
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Daniel Lewis
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Agenda item :
7 a) Thursday 25 May 2023
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Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
Councillor Mrs Stewart
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Officer 10
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Desmond Bouse
Lynn Thomson
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Desmond Bouse
Kairin van Sweeden
Desmond Bouse
N Copland
Webcast Finished
- Motions against Recommendations, opens in new tab
- PDMC minute 090323, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner PDMC, opens in new tab
- 221298-DPP - 495-499 Great Western Road, opens in new tab
- 221146DPP - 108A North Deeside Road (01), opens in new tab
- 230140-DPP - Land adjacent to Westburn House, opens in new tab
- 230201DPP - 91 Ashely Road Committee Report, opens in new tab
- 221540CAC - 34 Don Street Committee Report, opens in new tab