Pre-Application Forum - Thursday 3 November 2022, 2:00pm - Resources Tab - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Pre-Application Forum
Thursday, 3rd November 2022 at 2:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Introduction and Procedure Note
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Officer 10
D Henrickson
Officer 10
N MacGregor
Officer 10
Kate Blake
Officer 10
N Copland
Officer 10
D Henrickson
Agenda item :
2 Minute of Previous Meeting of 1 September 2022 - for approval
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Agenda item :
3 Proposal of Application Notice for extension to an existing 132kV electricity substation including grid supply point to be accommodated in a new building, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities (including hardstanding area), and road alterations and improvement works - land Adjacent to Existing Electricity Substation, Willowdale Place, Aberdeen - 220562
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D Henrickson
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
N Copland
N Copland
N Copland
N Copland
N Copland
D Henrickson
Kairin van Sweeden
Kairin van Sweeden
Kairin van Sweeden
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
N MacGregor
N MacGregor
D Henrickson
Webcast Finished