Licensing Committee - Tuesday 5 July 2022, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 5th July 2022 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 1
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
1 a) Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
2 a) Exempt Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
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Deputation 1
Agenda item :
4 a) Deputation by Russell McLeod, Rainbow City Taxis
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Kairin van Sweeden
Deputation 1
Kairin van Sweeden
Deputation 1
Kairin van Sweeden
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Deputation 1
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
9 c) Street Knowledge Test - COM/22/147
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
5 a) Minute of Previous Meeting of 22 March 2022, for Approval
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Agenda item :
5 b) Committee Business Planner
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Agenda item :
6 a) Notices of Motion
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Agenda item :
7 a) Referrals from Council, Committees or Sub Committees
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Agenda item :
8 a) New Licence for a House In Multiple Occupation - 35 St Machar Drive
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Officer 5
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 5
Agenda item :
8 b) Renewal of a Licence for a House in Multiple Occupation - 118 Crown Street
Agenda item :
8 c) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy - Lee Johnston
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
C McRae
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
N MacGregor
N MacGregor
N MacGregor
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 d) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy - Tula Miah
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 e) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy - Darren Matthew
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
S Delaney
S Delaney
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
Officer 1
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
S Delaney
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
8 g) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy - Huseyin Polat
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G Al-Samarai
Deputation 1
G Al-Samarai
Deputation 1
D Henrickson
Deputation 1
Officer 2
Deputation 1
G Al-Samarai
Deputation 1
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
8 h) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Policy - Stanley Noble and Chris Winpenny
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G Al-Samarai
Officer 1
Officer 1
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 i) Renewal of a Taxi Licence - Christopher Sedgwick
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G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
C McRae
G Al-Samarai
C McRae
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 h) Request for Exemption from Age of Vehicle Policy and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Policy - Stanley Noble and Chris Winpenny
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 j) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - Licholding Ltd, Silhouette, 48 Bridge Street
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
N MacGregor
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
N MacGregor
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
8 k) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - TGC Leisure Ltd, Private Eyes, 70 Chapel Street
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
8 l) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - TGC Leisure Ltd, Private Eyes 2, 30 Bridge Street
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 m) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - Devana Investments Limited, Bugsy Browns, 7 Windmill Brae
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
Agenda item :
8 n) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - New Progress Limited, The Mask above Magma, 52 Bridge Street
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G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 o) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - Punch Partnership Ltd, c/o TLT LLP, Number 7, 7 Crown Street
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
N MacGregor
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
8 p) Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence - Gloryever Limited, House of Ginza, 21 Crown Terrace
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
S Delaney
Officer 2
S Delaney
S Delaney
Officer 2
S Delaney
G Al-Samarai
S Delaney
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
9 a) Appointment of Members to Licensing Sub-Committee and Taxi and Private Hire Car Consultation Group - COM/22/093
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Officer 1
G Al-Samarai
Kairin van Sweeden
Officer 1
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
Agenda item :
9 b) Back Wynd Taxi Rank Proposal - COM/22/088
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Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
G Al-Samarai
D Henrickson
G Al-Samarai
N MacGregor
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
N MacGregor
G Al-Samarai
Officer 2
G Al-Samarai
Officer 1
Agenda item :
9 b) Back Wynd Taxi Rank Proposal - COM/22/088
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G Al-Samarai
Webcast Finished
- Deputation On Taxi Knowledge Test Agenda point 9, opens in new tab
- 220322 Licensing Minute, opens in new tab
- Licensing - Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- LicensingAPPLICATION GRID - Public KEEP, opens in new tab
- LC REPORT - 35 ST MACHAR DRIVE (1), opens in new tab
- LC REPORT - Work not done 118 CROWN STREET, opens in new tab
- LJ - Exemption from Vehicle Age Policy- L Johnston, opens in new tab
- LJ - Email from Applicant - L Johnstone, opens in new tab
- TM - Exemption from Vehicle Age Policy- T Miah, opens in new tab
- TM - Email from applicant, opens in new tab
- DM - Exemption from Vehicle Age Policy- D Matthew, opens in new tab
- DM - Email from applicant -D Matthew, opens in new tab
- MC - Exemption from Vehicle Age Policy- M Chyla, opens in new tab
- HP - Exemption from Vehicle Age Policy- H Polat, opens in new tab
- HP - Email from Applicant - Polat, opens in new tab
- W&N - Exemption from WAV, Vehicle Age & Owner Policies- Winpenny & Noble, opens in new tab
- W&N - Email from applicant - Noble and Winpenny, opens in new tab
- CS - Taxi Licence Renewal, opens in new tab
- Silhouette - SEV - Shilouette, opens in new tab
- Silhouette - ENV Comments, opens in new tab
- Private Eyes - SEV - Private Eyes, opens in new tab
- Private Eyes 2 - SEV - Private Eyes 2, opens in new tab
- Bugsys - SEV -Bugsy Browns, opens in new tab
- Mask - SEV -Mask, opens in new tab
- Mask - Env comments Mask, opens in new tab
- Number 7 - SEV -No 7, opens in new tab
- number 7 - BS Comments - Number 7, opens in new tab
- Ginza - SEV -House of Ginza, opens in new tab
- Ginza - SEV LICENCE - HOUSE OF GINZA Police, opens in new tab
- Ginza - BS Comments - House of Ginza, opens in new tab
- Ginza - EH Comments house of Ginza, opens in new tab
- Ginza - Public Objection 1, opens in new tab
- Ginza - Public objection 2, opens in new tab
- Ginza - Public objection 3, opens in new tab
- Licensing Appts to sub cttee TCG (002), opens in new tab
- Back Wynd - Committee Report Back Wynd Taxi Rank 15.6.22, opens in new tab
- Back Wynd - Appendix 1 - Public Consultation Responses, opens in new tab
- Back Wynd - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- Back Wynd - Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- SKT - Committee_Report_Street Knowledge Test, opens in new tab
- SKT - Appendix 1 - Knowledge Test options, opens in new tab