City Growth and Resources Committee - Wednesday 10 November 2021, 2:00pm - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
City Growth and Resources Committee
Wednesday, 10th November 2021 at 2:00pm
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Agenda item :
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R Houghton
Officer 2
R Houghton
Agenda item :
2 a) Determination of Exempt Business
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declarations of Interest
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
4 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
Agenda item :
5 a) Minute of Previous Meeting of 25 August 2021 - For Approval
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Agenda item :
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
A Nicoll
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
7 a) Notice of Motion by Councillor Boulton - Defibrillators in Aberdeen Schools
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I Yuill
R Houghton
M Boulton
I Yuill
M Boulton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 6
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
8 a) Referrals from Council, Committees or Sub Committees
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
9 a) Council Financial Performance, Quarter 2, 2021/22 - RES/21/272
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R Houghton
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 b) Medium Term Financial Strategy for the Council's General Fund, 2021 - RES/21/295
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M Boulton
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
M Boulton
Agenda item :
9 c) Place Based Investment Programme - COM/21/259
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R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 d) Unrecoverable Debt - CUS/21/248
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
I Yuill
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
I Yuill
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 e) Developer Obligations Update - COM/21/246
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I Yuill
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 f) Aberdeen City’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2022/23 – 2026/2027 - COM/21/245
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M Boulton
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
Steve Whyte
A Nicoll
R Houghton
D Cameron
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
Officer 6
R Houghton
A Nicoll
I Yuill
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Steve Whyte
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Steve Whyte
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 g) Bus Lane Enforcement Fund Refresh - COM/21/253
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
9 x) Fleet Replacement Programme - OPE/21/242
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J Cooke
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
D Cameron
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
D Cameron
R Houghton
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
10 a) City Growth and Resources Committee Annual Effectiveness Report - COM/21/255
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I Yuill
R Houghton
Officer 2
I Yuill
R Houghton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
10 b) Performance Management Framework Report – City Growth and Resources - CUS/21/251
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
A Nicoll
Officer 4
R Houghton
J Cooke
R Houghton
Jonathan Belford
R Houghton
J Cooke
R Houghton
Agenda item :
10 c) History and Legacy of Enslavement - COM/21/250
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R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
Agenda item :
10 d) Climate Change Report 2020-21 - COM/21/252
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R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
M Boulton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
A Nicoll
A Nicoll
R Houghton
D Cameron
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
R Grant
R Houghton
J Cooke
R Houghton
Lord Provost
R Houghton
Lord Provost
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 2
R Houghton
Officer 2
M Boulton
Officer 2
J Cooke
Officer 2
R Grant
Officer 2
A MacKenzie
Officer 2
D Cameron
Officer 2
A Nicoll
Officer 2
I Yuill
Officer 2
R Houghton
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
11 a) Bus Partnership Fund Update - COM/21/254
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M Boulton
M Boulton
R Houghton
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
Agenda item :
11 b) Wellington Road Multimodal Corridor Study STAG Part 2 - COM/21/257
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
R Houghton
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
Officer 4
R Houghton
R Houghton
Agenda item :
11 c) Socio-Economic Rescue Plan Update - COM/21/279
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
12 a) Condition and Suitability 3 Year Programme - RES/21/243
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A Nicoll
R Houghton
R Houghton
A Nicoll
R Houghton
Officer 6
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
M Boulton
R Houghton
J Cooke
R Houghton
I Yuill
R Houghton
Agenda item :
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Webcast Finished
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- 250821 CG&R Minute, opens in new tab
- CG&R Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- Notice of Motion Cllr B Defib, opens in new tab
- 1. Q2 - Committee Report P6 21-22 Final, opens in new tab
- 2. Appendix 1 P6 21-22 Final, opens in new tab
- 3. Appendix 2 P6 21-22 Final, opens in new tab
- 4. Appendix 3 Common Good Final, opens in new tab
- 5. Appendix 4 ALEOs Final, opens in new tab
- ACC GF MTFS 2021 cover report ISSUED, opens in new tab
- ACC GF MTFS 2021 ISSUED, opens in new tab
- Place Based Investment Programme Report November 2021 CG&R, opens in new tab
- Unrecoverable Debt Committee Report, opens in new tab
- Unrecoverable Debt 20-21 Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Unrecoverable Debt 20-21 Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- Unrecoverable Debt 20-21 Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- Unrecoverable Debt 20-21 Appendix 4, opens in new tab
- CGR DO Report (Nov 2021) - Final Version, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP Report, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-27, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-2027 Table 1 Draft, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-2027 Table 2 Draft, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-2027 Table 3 Draft, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-2027 Table 4 Draft, opens in new tab
- Master SHIP 2022-2027 Table 5 Draft, opens in new tab
- BLE - Report, opens in new tab
- BLE App 1, opens in new tab
- BLE App 2, opens in new tab
- BLE App 3, opens in new tab
- BLE App 4 simplified, opens in new tab
- 20211110 Fleet Replacement Prog Report, opens in new tab
- 20211110 Fleet Replacement Programme App A, opens in new tab
- 20211110 Fleet Replacement Prog App B, opens in new tab
- Annual Effectiveness Cover Report, opens in new tab
- Annual Effectiveness CG&R Report - Appendix, opens in new tab
- CUS.21.251 Performance Management Framework Cover Report, CG&R Committee, 10th Npvember 2021, opens in new tab
- CUS.21.251 Performance Management Framework Report, CG&R 10th November Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Enslavement COM-21-250_Report, opens in new tab
- Enslavement_Report_Appendices, opens in new tab
- ClimateChange - Report, opens in new tab
- ClimateChangeReport202021RequiredReport - App 1, opens in new tab
- ClimateChangeReport202021RecommendedReport - App 2, opens in new tab
- ClimateChangeReportSummary202021 - App 3, opens in new tab
- Bus Partnership Fund - Report, opens in new tab
- Wellington Road - Final Report - COM21257 Wellington Road, opens in new tab
- Wellington Road - Appendix 1 - Proposed Interventions, opens in new tab
- Wellington Road - Appendix 2 - STAG 2 Report Executive Summary, opens in new tab
- Wellington Road - Appendix 3 - STAG 2 Appraisal Full Report, opens in new tab
- Socio Economic Rescue Plan - CG&R Nov Final, opens in new tab
- Final_Condition_&_Suitability_Update_2021, opens in new tab
- Final_C&S_Programme_2021-2024_Appendices_Public, opens in new tab