City Growth and Resources Committee - Wednesday 25 August 2021, 2:00pm - Aberdeen City Council webcasts

City Growth and Resources Committee
Wednesday, 25th August 2021 at 2:00pm 









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  1. R Houghton
  2. Officer 8
  3. R Houghton
  4. I Yuill
  5. R Houghton
  6. A Nicoll
  7. R Houghton
  8. A Nicoll
  9. R Houghton
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  1. Officer 4
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  1. R Houghton
  2. M Boulton
  3. R Houghton
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  1. J Cooke
  2. R Houghton
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  1. R Houghton
  2. Steve Whyte
  3. A Nicoll
  4. Steve Whyte
  5. R Houghton
  6. J Cooke
  7. R Houghton
  8. R Houghton
  9. Steve Whyte
  10. R Houghton
  11. J Cooke
  12. R Houghton
  13. A Nicoll
  14. R Houghton
  15. A Nicoll
  16. R Houghton
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  1. R Houghton
  2. Officer 8
  3. R Houghton
  4. M Boulton
  5. Officer 8
  6. J Laing
  7. M Boulton
  8. Officer 8
  9. J Cooke
  10. Officer 8
  11. R Grant
  12. Officer 8
  13. D Lumsden
  14. Officer 8
  15. A McLellan
  16. Officer 8
  17. A Nicoll
  18. Officer 8
  19. I Yuill
  20. Officer 8
  21. R Houghton
  22. A Nicoll
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  1. R Houghton
  2. Officer 7
  3. R Houghton
  4. Officer 7
  5. A Nicoll
  6. R Houghton
  7. Officer 7
  8. R Houghton
  9. A Nicoll
  10. R Houghton
  11. M Boulton
  12. R Houghton
  13. Officer 7
  14. R Houghton
  15. M Boulton
  16. Officer 7
  17. R Houghton
  18. J Laing
  19. R Houghton
  20. Officer 7
  21. R Houghton
  22. J Laing
  23. R Houghton
  24. Officer 7
  25. R Houghton
  26. R Houghton
  27. R Houghton
  28. R Houghton
  29. R Houghton
  30. R Houghton
  31. R Houghton
  32. A Nicoll
  33. R Houghton
  34. A Nicoll
  35. A Nicoll
  36. R Houghton
  37. R Houghton
  38. J Laing
  39. R Houghton
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  1. I Yuill
  2. R Houghton
  3. I Yuill
  4. Richard Sweetnam
  5. R Houghton
  6. R Houghton
  7. A Nicoll
  8. R Houghton
  9. Steve Whyte
  10. R Houghton
  11. J Laing
  12. R Houghton
  13. R Houghton
  14. J Laing
  15. R Houghton
  16. J Cooke
  17. R Houghton
  18. R Houghton
  19. J Cooke
  20. R Houghton
  21. R Houghton
  22. A Nicoll
  23. R Houghton
  24. Officer 7
  25. R Houghton
  26. A Nicoll
  27. R Houghton
  28. Officer 7
  29. R Houghton
  30. J Laing
  31. R Houghton
  32. C Allard
  33. C Allard
  34. R Houghton
  35. Officer 7
  36. R Houghton
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  1. C Allard
  2. R Houghton
  3. C Allard
  4. R Houghton
  5. C Allard
  6. R Houghton
  7. D Lumsden
  8. R Houghton
  9. Officer 7
  10. D Lumsden
  11. R Houghton
  12. D Lumsden
  13. R Houghton
  14. D Lumsden
  15. Officer 7
  16. R Houghton
  17. M Boulton
  18. M Boulton
  19. R Houghton
  20. R Houghton
  21. Officer 4
  22. R Houghton
  23. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. R Houghton
  3. R Grant
  4. R Houghton
  5. C Allard
  6. R Houghton
  7. A Nicoll
  8. R Houghton
  9. M Boulton
  10. R Houghton
  11. M Boulton
  12. J Cooke
  13. R Houghton
  14. J Laing
  15. R Houghton
  16. C Allard
  17. R Houghton
  18. Officer 8
  19. J Laing
  20. R Houghton
  21. Officer 8
  22. M Boulton
  23. Officer 8
  24. J Cooke
  25. Officer 8
  26. Officer 8
  27. R Grant
  28. D Lumsden
  29. Officer 8
  30. C Allard
  31. Officer 8
  32. A Nicoll
  33. Officer 8
  34. I Yuill
  35. Officer 8
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. M Boulton
  3. R Houghton
  4. Officer 7
  5. R Houghton
  6. M Boulton
  7. M Boulton
  8. R Houghton
  9. A Nicoll
  10. R Houghton
  11. Officer 7
  12. R Houghton
  13. A Nicoll
  14. R Houghton
  15. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. R Grant
  3. R Houghton
  4. A Nicoll
  5. R Houghton
  6. J Cooke
  7. R Houghton
  8. M Boulton
  9. R Houghton
  10. D Lumsden
  11. R Houghton
  12. J Laing
  13. R Houghton
  14. A Nicoll
  15. R Houghton
  16. Officer 8
  17. R Houghton
  18. J Laing
  19. Officer 8
  20. Officer 8
  21. M Boulton
  22. Officer 8
  23. J Cooke
  24. Officer 8
  25. R Grant
  26. Officer 8
  27. D Lumsden
  28. Officer 8
  29. A McLellan
  30. Officer 8
  31. A Nicoll
  32. Officer 8
  33. I Yuill
  34. Officer 8
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. Officer 4
  3. R Houghton
  4. Officer 4
  5. R Houghton
  6. N Copland
  7. R Houghton
  8. N Copland
  9. Richard Sweetnam
  10. R Houghton
  11. N Copland
  12. R Houghton
  13. N Copland
  14. Richard Sweetnam
  15. R Houghton
  16. Richard Sweetnam
  17. N Copland
  18. R Houghton
  19. N Copland
  20. R Houghton
  21. Richard Sweetnam
  22. N Copland
  23. R Houghton
  24. N Copland
  25. Richard Sweetnam
  26. N Copland
  27. R Houghton
  28. N Copland
  29. Richard Sweetnam
  30. N Copland
  31. R Houghton
  32. R Grant
  33. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. N Copland
  3. R Houghton
  4. N Copland
  5. R Houghton
  6. N Copland
  7. R Houghton
  8. R Houghton
  9. M Boulton
  10. R Houghton
  11. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. I Yuill
  2. R Houghton
  3. Richard Sweetnam
  4. I Yuill
  5. R Houghton
  6. I Yuill
  7. R Houghton
  8. M Boulton
  9. R Houghton
  10. R Houghton
  11. R Houghton
  12. R Houghton
  13. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. I Yuill
  2. R Houghton
  3. Officer 7
  4. R Houghton
  5. I Yuill
  6. R Houghton
  7. Officer 7
  8. R Houghton
  9. I Yuill
  10. R Houghton
  11. Officer 7
  12. I Yuill
  13. Officer 7
  14. R Houghton
  15. M Hutchison
  16. R Houghton
  17. Officer 1
  18. R Houghton
  19. M Hutchison
  20. R Houghton
  21. Officer 1
  22. M Hutchison
  23. R Houghton
  24. R Houghton
  25. Officer 1
  26. M Hutchison
  27. R Houghton
  28. R Houghton
  29. Officer 1
  30. R Houghton
  31. M Hutchison
  32. Officer 1
  33. R Houghton
  34. M Hutchison
  35. R Houghton
  36. R Houghton
  37. M Boulton
  38. R Houghton
  39. Officer 1
  40. R Houghton
  41. Officer 1
  42. M Boulton
  43. R Houghton
  44. M Boulton
  45. Officer 1
  46. R Houghton
  47. M Boulton
  48. R Houghton
  49. M Boulton
  50. Officer 1
  51. R Houghton
  52. Officer 1
  53. R Houghton
  54. A Nicoll
  55. R Houghton
  56. Officer 4
  57. R Houghton
  58. A Nicoll
  59. R Houghton
  60. Officer 4
  61. Gale Beattie
  62. R Houghton
  63. Gale Beattie
  64. R Houghton
  65. A Nicoll
  66. R Houghton
  67. Officer 4
  68. R Houghton
  69. I Yuill
  70. R Houghton
  71. D Lumsden
  72. R Houghton
  73. Officer 4
  74. R Houghton
  75. R Houghton
  76. J Cooke
  77. R Houghton
  78. Officer 1
  79. R Houghton
  80. J Cooke
  81. R Houghton
  82. Officer 1
  83. J Cooke
  84. R Houghton
  85. I Yuill
  86. R Houghton
  87. Gale Beattie
  88. R Houghton
  89. M Boulton
  90. R Houghton
  91. M Hutchison
  92. R Houghton
  93. Gale Beattie
  94. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. R Grant
  3. R Houghton
  4. A Nicoll
  5. R Houghton
  6. M Hutchison
  7. R Houghton
  8. I Yuill
  9. R Houghton
  10. J Cooke
  11. R Houghton
  12. D Lumsden
  13. R Houghton
  14. M Boulton
  15. R Houghton
  16. M Boulton
  17. R Houghton
  18. M Boulton
  19. R Houghton
  20. J Laing
  21. R Houghton
  22. J Laing
  23. R Houghton
  24. I Yuill
  25. R Houghton
  26. A Nicoll
  27. R Houghton
  28. Officer 8
  29. Officer 8
  30. R Houghton
  31. J Laing
  32. Officer 8
  33. M Boulton
  34. Officer 8
  35. J Cooke
  36. Officer 8
  37. D Lumsden
  38. Officer 8
  39. M Hutchison
  40. Officer 8
  41. A Nicoll
  42. Officer 8
  43. I Yuill
  44. Officer 8
  45. R Houghton
  46. M Boulton
  47. J Laing
  48. M Boulton
  49. Officer 8
  50. Officer 8
  51. J Cooke
  52. Officer 8
  53. Officer 8
  54. R Grant
  55. D Lumsden
  56. Officer 8
  57. M Hutchison
  58. Officer 8
  59. A Nicoll
  60. Officer 8
  61. I Yuill
  62. Officer 8
  63. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. M Hutchison
  2. R Houghton
  3. Officer 6
  4. R Houghton
  5. J Laing
  6. R Houghton
  7. Officer 6
  8. R Houghton
  9. J Laing
  10. R Houghton
  11. Officer 6
  12. J Laing
  13. R Houghton
  14. J Laing
  15. R Houghton
  16. Officer 6
  17. R Houghton
  18. M Boulton
  19. R Houghton
  20. Officer 6
  21. M Boulton
  22. R Houghton
  23. R Grant
  24. R Houghton
  25. Steve Whyte
  26. R Houghton
  27. A Nicoll
  28. R Houghton
  29. Officer 6
  30. A Nicoll
  31. Officer 6
  32. A Nicoll
  33. R Houghton
  34. Officer 6
  35. A Nicoll
  36. R Houghton
  37. Officer 6
  38. R Houghton
  39. Officer 6
  40. R Houghton
  41. J Cooke
  42. R Houghton
  43. Officer 6
  44. R Houghton
  45. J Cooke
  46. R Houghton
  47. Officer 6
  48. R Houghton
  49. J Cooke
  50. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. R Grant
  3. R Houghton
  4. I Yuill
  5. R Houghton
  6. M Hutchison
  7. R Houghton
  8. D Lumsden
  9. R Houghton
  10. M Boulton
  11. R Houghton
  12. J Cooke
  13. R Houghton
  14. J Laing
  15. R Houghton
  16. A Nicoll
  17. R Houghton
  18. I Yuill
  19. R Houghton
  20. I Yuill
  21. R Houghton
  22. Officer 8
  23. R Houghton
  24. Officer 8
  25. J Laing
  26. Officer 8
  27. M Boulton
  28. Officer 8
  29. J Cooke
  30. Officer 8
  31. R Grant
  32. Officer 8
  33. D Lumsden
  34. Officer 8
  35. M Hutchison
  36. Officer 8
  37. A Nicoll
  38. Officer 8
  39. I Yuill
  40. Officer 8
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  1. R Houghton
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Share this agenda point
  1. M Hutchison
  2. R Houghton
  3. J Laing
  4. R Houghton
  5. J Cooke
  6. R Houghton
  7. R Grant
  8. R Houghton
  9. M Boulton
  10. R Houghton
  11. R Houghton
  12. M Hutchison
  13. R Houghton
  14. Officer 8
  15. R Houghton
  16. Officer 8
  17. J Laing
  18. Officer 8
  19. M Boulton
  20. Officer 8
  21. J Cooke
  22. Officer 8
  23. Officer 8
  24. R Grant
  25. D Lumsden
  26. Officer 8
  27. M Hutchison
  28. Officer 8
  29. A Nicoll
  30. Officer 8
  31. I Yuill
  32. Officer 8
  33. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
Share this agenda point
  1. R Houghton
  2. I Yuill
  3. R Houghton
  4. Steve Whyte
  5. R Houghton
  6. I Yuill
  7. R Houghton
  8. R Houghton
  9. Steve Whyte
  10. Steve Whyte
  11. R Houghton
  12. A Nicoll
  13. R Houghton
  14. A Nicoll
  15. R Houghton
  16. Steve Whyte
  17. R Houghton
  18. A Nicoll
  19. R Houghton
  20. Officer 4
  21. R Houghton
  22. M Boulton
  23. R Houghton
  24. A Nicoll
  25. R Houghton
  26. A Nicoll
  27. R Houghton
  28. Officer 4
  29. R Houghton
  30. I Yuill
  31. R Houghton
  32. A Nicoll
  33. A Nicoll
  34. R Houghton
  35. R Houghton
  36. Steve Whyte
  37. R Houghton
  38. Steve Whyte