Education Operational Delivery Committee - Thursday 3 June 2021, 10:00am - Aberdeen City Council webcasts
Education Operational Delivery Committee
Thursday, 3rd June 2021 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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M Malik
S Dunsmuir
D Cameron
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
S Macdonald
S Dunsmuir
J Mennie
S Dunsmuir
M Malik
Agenda item :
1 a) There are no items of urgent business at this time
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2 a) Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded
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3 a) Members are requested to declare any interests
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Agenda item :
4 a) There are no requests for deputation at this time
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Agenda item :
5 a) Minute of Previous Meeting of 17 March 2021
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Agenda item :
6 a) There are no notices of motion at this time
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Agenda item :
7 a) Committee Business Planner
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J Mennie
M Boulton
J Mennie
M Malik
External 5
D Cameron
External 5
D Cameron
External 5
D Cameron
External 5
J Mennie
External 5
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
8 a) There are no referrals at this time
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M Malik
External 5
S Dunsmuir
External 5
M Malik
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
9 a) Education Operations Performance Management Framework - CUS/21/131
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L Dunbar
M Malik
M Boulton
J Mennie
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
Agenda item :
9 b) Education Improvement Journey and National Improvement Framework - CUS/21/130
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
10 a) Parental Engagement Plan 2021-2024 - OPE/21/134
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D Cameron
External 5
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
External 5
M Malik
C Imrie
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 b) Free School Meals - OPE/21/139
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S Macdonald
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
Lord Provost
M Malik
Lord Provost
Agenda item :
10 c) Proposed consultation to establish catchment areas for Gaelic Medium Education - RES/21/133
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M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
S Macdonald
M Malik
Lord Provost
M Malik
M Hutchison
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
C Imrie
M Malik
C Imrie
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
Lord Provost
M Malik
S Macdonald
M Malik
M Hutchison
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
S Dunsmuir
A Alphonse
S Dunsmuir
Lord Provost
S Dunsmuir
D Cameron
S Dunsmuir
L Dunbar
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
S Macdonald
S Dunsmuir
J Mennie
S Dunsmuir
M Boulton
S Dunsmuir
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 c) Proposed consultation to establish catchment areas for Gaelic Medium Education - RES/21/133
Agenda item :
10 d) Lochside Academy - Transport & Safe Routes to Schools Annual Update - OPE/21/110
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M Radley
M Malik
M Radley
M Malik
M Radley
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 d) Lochside Academy - Transport & Safe Routes to Schools Annual Update - OPE/21/110
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M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
Lord Provost
M Malik
S Dunsmuir
M Malik
C Imrie
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
M Radley
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
S Macdonald
M Malik
M Hutchison
M Malik
Lord Provost
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
S Dunsmuir
C Imrie
S Dunsmuir
M Hutchison
S Dunsmuir
S Dunsmuir
S Macdonald
M Radley
S Dunsmuir
J Mennie
S Dunsmuir
M Boulton
S Dunsmuir
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 e) Aberdeen Summer of Play Programme 2021/2022 - OPE/21/129
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A Alphonse
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
S Macdonald
M Malik
C Imrie
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
L Dunbar
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 f) Supporting Learners - OPE/21/132
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J Mennie
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
J Mennie
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
M Boulton
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
D Cameron
M Malik
Agenda item :
10 g) Inspection Reporting - OPE/21/122
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Webcast Finished
- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- EODC Minute 170321 Draft, opens in new tab
- Committee Business Planner, opens in new tab
- Education Operations PMF Final, opens in new tab
- EducationOperationsPMFAppendixAFinal, opens in new tab
- EIJ and NIF Final, opens in new tab
- EIJ and NIF Appendix A Final, opens in new tab
- EIJ and NIF Appendix B, opens in new tab
- EIJ and NIF Appendix C Final, opens in new tab
- Parental Involvement and Engagement Final, opens in new tab
- Parental Involvement & Engagement Appendix Final, opens in new tab
- Free School Meals Final, opens in new tab
- GME Consultation Launch Final, opens in new tab
- Lochside Academy Travel + Safe Routes 2021 Final, opens in new tab
- Summer of Play Final, opens in new tab
- Summer of Play Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Summer of Play Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Supporting Learners Final, opens in new tab
- Supporting Learners - Appendix A Final, opens in new tab
- Inspection Reporting Final, opens in new tab
- Inspection Reporting App A - Moderation & Assessment Guidance 20-21, opens in new tab